Homeopathy Treatment Basic Information

Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that was developed in the late 18th century by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. It is based on the principle of “like cures like” and the concept of potentization. Here are the key principles and concepts underlying homeopathy: Similia Similibus Curentur (Like Cures Like): The fundamental principle of…

Is sugar bad for 5-year kid?

Excessive consumption of added sugars can be detrimental to the health of individuals of all ages, including young children. The American Heart Association recommends that children aged 2 to 18 should consume only 25 grams (almost 6 teaspoons) sugars per day. Excessive sugar intake in children has been linked to various health issues, including tooth…

How to get orders on Fiverr?

Getting orders on Fiverr requires a strategic approach and a combination of effective profile optimization, gig promotion, and customer engagement. Following are some tips that will help anybody to get more orders on Fiverr: Optimize Your Profile: Create a professional and appealing fiverr profile with a clear profile picture that can be with scarf if…

Keyword Research Tools for Blog and Youtube Free

Search any keyword for Blog and Youtube If you have a gmail account then use that account to create an account on https://ads.google.com/intl/en_pk/home/tools/keyword-planner/ This is the google ads keyword planner site but don’t worry it gives us free tool to check keywords ranking and search history.  After creating account you just need to click on…

Homeopathic Nuskha Jaat in Urdu by Dr Mubashir Ahmad Shaad Sahib

Search Engine of Homeopathy Nuskha Jaat in Urdu: We are sharing 7000 Homeopathic nuskha jaat in urdu from a book of Dr Mubashir Ahmad Shaad sahib with his permission. There is a book of  Dr sahib containing more than 10,000 nuskha jaat in urdu, if you are interested in buying that in print forum in Contact Dr…